Compound interest and the effect it can have on investments can be likened to the snowball effect – how something can build upon itself.
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Compound interest and the effect it can have on investments can be likened to the snowball effect – how something can build upon itself.
There are 2 key options when it comes to investing a lump sum. Find out more about what is available to you in our article here.
Collective investment schemes pool capital from different investors to create a larger and more diversified portfolio of assets.
Collective investment schemes pool capital from different investors to create a larger and more diversified portfolio of assets.
There are many different asset classes in which you can invest. An asset class is a group of investment products such as cash, equities & bonds
Principles of investing. Becoming a successful investor requires both planning and discipline and a robust investment strategy
3rd Pillar – Voluntary contributions – Pillar 3 allows you to save money efficiently and bridge the savings gap for retirement.
2nd Pillar – Occupational Pension (BVG in German and LPP in French) is a defined contribution occupational pension.
The 1st Pillar pension provided by the state. Its purpose is to provide you with a source of revenue to cover your basic financial needs.
Retirement planning in Switzerland – Switzerland has one of the most advanced pension systems in the world, the Three Pillars System