The Individual Savings Account, or ISA, is a form of tax efficient investment available to residents of the United Kingdom.

Introduced in 1999, these accounts have significant tax advantages. Once invested, all contributions are exempt from UK income tax and capital gains tax. There is also no tax payable on withdrawals at any stage.

These investments, which now have an annual limit of £20,000 (tax year 2020 / 2021), can be held in a number of different types of account, ranging from the low risk (and low return) Cash ISAs through to the risk-rated Investment ISA and the more esoteric Innovative Finance ISA.

However, like all investments, ISAs should be reviewed for their suitability on a regular basis, never more so than currently where the gulf between poor performing sectors and those sectors that have performed much better is wider than ever.

At Blackden Financial, you can now have your ISAs professionally managed in Switzerland by UK qualified financial planners, thanks to technological innovations made possible by our investment platform partnerships.

You are now able to hold your ISAs with full UK tax compliance through on-line platforms which allow us to

Your current adviser

If you are considering leaving the UK to work or live abroad, it is important to note that your current UK financial adviser will probably no longer be able to accommodate your financial management needs once you become non-UK resident. This is the case regardless of whether your investments already sit in the UK before you depart, or if you intend returning to the UK after temporary contractual employment abroad.

A rare exception would be if a UK adviser firm has special overseas regulatory permissions from the specific regulator of the country to which you have moved.

Our ISA review service – more detail

Whether or not you are an existing client of Blackden Financial, we can offer you the right advisory solution if you currently hold UK assets such as ISAs. This means that:

  • Your ISAs can be reviewed and managed to improve performance.
  • Your ISAs can be updated in line with your risk profile and ongoing evolving objectives.
  • Our investment management approach can help you decide how best to run your UK investments whilst retaining full tax efficiency.

Our solutions are aimed at keeping your costs down, investment performance up, and ensuring you benefit from qualified, regulated advice in the appropriate jurisdiction.

Here at Blackden, we have developed our own investment proposition to fully meet the financial planning needs of expatriates. Talk to us about our ISA review service.

Leaving investments unreviewed, without monitoring or updating, typically leads to underperformance. Ongoing reviews are vital to avoid investment returns ‘reverting to the mean’, which most investment funds drift towards over time.

What if?

Your ISAs could be monitored and updated transparently and cost-effectively whilst you live and work outside the UK?

What if?

The ongoing advisory service was compliant with all relevant regulatory rules and ensured your ISAs continued to be at the forefront of your financial planning objectives whilst you are away from the UK?

What if?

You could have 24/7 access to your ISA portfolio with the latest secure online technology?

The content of our report includes:

  • Analysis of your existing product structure to identify unnecessary costs.
  • Notification of any lock-in periods and / or exit fees.
  • Portfolio performance (compared to validated benchmarks).
  • Advice on the liquidity of your assets. Are they likely to be tradeable under conditions of market stress?
  • Review of your investment objectives / plan rated to identify any immediate needs or gaps.
  • Comprehensive strategic proposals to meet your immediate and longer term financial aims.

Get in contact with us for a personalised

review of your Pension Scheme