Office hours
Monday – Friday, or by appointment
8h30 – 17h30
Head Office
Rue Michel-Chauvet 3
1208 Geneva
+41 (0) 22 755 08 00

We believe that you are more likely to succeed in life when you have a plan, and the same applies to managing your money. Everyone, no matter what their stage of life, can benefit from lifestyle financial planning. Throughout your life, your needs and aspirations, as well as your income, assets and outgoings, will change and no financial position is, or remains, static for long. This makes it vital that the advice you receive is not only tailored to your individual circumstances, but is also reviewed on a regular basis.
We consider that advising on your personal wealth is our personal responsibility. Our services are underpinned by a disciplined, rigorous approach, including Investment Risk Profiling and Lifetime Cash Flow Analysis, helping you to make well-informed long-term decisions.
The Manager is licensed by FINMA (Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority) as an independent portfolio manager under the Financial Institution Act (FinIA). The Manager is subject to the supervision of the following supervisory body – OSIF
We are a founder member of the Federation of European Independent Financial Advisors (FEIFA), a non for profit trade organisation whose broad aim is to improve the quality of advice offered by the independent financial sector in Europe.